Do You Feel You Have Enough Friends?


I’m 36 weeks pregnant and will be a stay at home mom, I graduated high school early a few months before getting pregnant, so I was staying at home all the time and never really got out. And since adjusting to an adult lifestyle and especially since having a baby (which speeds up becoming an adult quite a bit), I can’t relate to any of my old high school friends anymore who are either still in high school or just graduated and still not living adult lives yet. Everyone I used to hang out with is still partying and worrying about gossip and their biggest concern is the next time they’re gonna get fucked up. It makes me sad because I miss my friends but we have such different lives and have such different views on life. I really wish people my age were more mature, I feel like the only friends I could have would need to be 21 at least, but no one that age wants to be friends with someone “so young,” not paying mind to the maturity factor. I haven’t had a friend or hung out with anyone in almost a year, and it makes me feel pretty lonely. I guess being alone is better than trying to be friends with someone on a totally different level in life than you, but I wish I had friends.

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