Herpes during pregnancy???

So 2015 I went to docs on call for a rash on my inner butt check that’s was pretty pain full about the size of a golf ball. (It just looked red and it was itchy) the doctor looked at it and said it could possibly be Herpes or shingles. That was all.

Now 2019 I’ve never had this rash again. I’m due in April with my second baby and al I keep thinking about is what if I have herpes and pass it to my baby.

I’ve talked to my doctor who doesn’t seem concerned about it. He said it was a while ago and I haven’t had any rashes since and he hasn’t seen anything in my vaginal exams.

Question is should I still be worried about passing something to my child if in fact I do have the virus? Everything I read online is scarey. I might be over thinking this. Anyone deliver there baby and have the virus??

Please no negative comments its hard for me to ask these questions.