In love?

Kami • Pansexual She/They Autistic

My boyfriend and I have been together since December 5th. We've been talking since October and met in late August. We said "I love you" the first time on December 5th. We hung out literally everyday before then and he spent the night every night. I truly love him more than words can explain. But now he is off at basic training for the Army and I miss him terribly. Which I never miss people, like no matter how far away/long they're gone I just don't really miss people. It's weird. But him, I miss a shit ton. Also, I am TERRIFIED of losing him. I don't know why because I know he loves me a shit ton. But the thought of losing him ever devastes me.

Also currently I'm at his parents house spending the night while he's at basic. His family loves me so much and I love them too.

I have been in 2 other serious/long term relationships and never felt this way. I thought I was in love with one. But still didn't feel this strongly. The second one I loved but wasn't in love.

I think I've now found my one❤️