Is she using me?


So I’ve only realised recently how much this happens. My old ‘best friend’ (I’ll call her E) is always falling out with another one of the close friends (S). E always tells me how I’m her best friend ever and all of that but when her and S make up again she basically ditches me and I get pushed to the back of the group basically. There are 5 of us in the group and when S and E fall out Elise practically clings on to me. Sometimes I feel so special when she says all these nice things but then she completely turns on me when I’m not ‘needed’ by her.

My other best friend, ER, isn’t part of this friendship group but has disliked E since the moment she met her. I tell ER everything, and she’s always told me that E is two faced and things like that but I’m only starting to see it now.

Sometimes E will randomly say to me ‘can you just go away you’re really annoying me right now’ out of blue and won’t tell me what I’ve done wrong. I have thought about confronting her about alllll of this but she’s fooled me for so long and she’s pretty much a master manipulator - she would find a way to make the other think I am being horrible and that she’s the victim. I just don’t trust her and I have good reason to as she frequently tells people my secrets.

Sorry for the long post but could someone tell me if I’m overreacting?