Devastated, just found 3d after mc that best friends due the same day as our baby 😢


I am recovering from a mc of our 3rd baby last month at 11wks along. I started bleeding and had to have a d&c 3 days later. Only 2 days after I got out of hospital our next door neighbours who are also our best friends and my husbands cousin (hubbies best man and our 2 kids god parents) announced their pregnancy to us. They are due the same EXACT date that our baby was that we lost. I was sitting there bleeding heavily and my breasts painful and leaking and having to congratulate them. It was the hardest thing ever. I have such mixed feelings. They’ve been trying for a long while and we’re so happy for them but it seems so absurdly cruel to share the exact due date and to have lost a baby that would’ve been born at the same time as our best friends baby. It would’ve been so so special and made our pregnancy all the more wonderful.

Now I’ve had to survive not only getting over my mc but hearing all our mutual friends and family only want to talk to me about our friends’ ‘wonderful news’ completely oblivious that I lost my baby just days before.

I’m dreading the next few months, I have to watch her pregnancy progress and constantly be reminded of how pregnant i would’ve been 😢

We want to try again but already the feeling “left behind” by how far on she is is making me so worried about having to get pregnant quickly as tho somehow I’ll catch up and our baby will come back.

Please can anyone tell me that I’m not an awful person for finding this hard? I so want to just be happy for them but I want my baby back and I’m finding it so hard to talk to her about her news. X