‘Friend’ being a bitch ( bit of a rant )


So my ‘friend’ is being a total bitch. So she has been hanging out with this other girl and we all went up to the canteen with each other and they left before my other friends and I got our food. We automatically thought “well, she’s going to hang with the other girl for lunch” so my other friends and I go into the library for lunch. At the end of lunch my ‘friend’ comes up to us and is in full bitch mode saying shit like ‘why the hell do I guys ditch me??’, so we reply with ‘Well we thought you were going to hang out with with the other girl’. Then she ended up doing the whole bitch girl hair flick 💁‍♀️😬. Next day we thought she would be over it but NOOOOO she’s holding a grudge like a bitch. She’s been ignoring me and only me, and she’s trying to talk to all my other friends. But all the other people in my friend group agree that she’s being a bitch, even her crush😂. She keeps trying to flirt with him but he’s all like , ‘um sorry I don’t want to talk to you right now’ 😂😂. I’m not going to talk to her until she talks to me because I haven’t done anything wrong. Need some help😬😬