Importance of Baby Schedule?

J. • 👼🏻🌈👶🏻

FTM with newborn on the way, and one thing my husband and I have been exploring is the strict need for a schedule vs providing for Baby what they need when they need it. We have been pretty avidly researching and have plenty of kids in our lives but it seems everyone has different opinions about it? My SIL and her husband are VERY routine with their kids’ schedules and they sleep like a dream and behave well for the most part.. but then the second we are out camping or they aren’t in their normal home routine the kids are a nightmare. Then we have other friends who are again very strict about the routine and it doesn’t seem to matter, their 9 month old is continually fussy, not sleeping through the night, doesn’t want to sleep with the schedule she’s on etc.... We know every baby is different and every baby has different things that are going to work for them. But is it unrealistic that we don’t want to be the parents that have a life completely controlled by the nap schedule? (Nighttime will be more consistent obviously just like us old people have 😂)