Do you believe calling someone “Autistic” is insulting?


sorry if this poll cant apply to everyone but this is currently a debate I’m having IRL.

I go to a weekly support group for neurodiverse adults. We have lots of interesting topics there and I am one of the few people with autistic spectrum disorder. I don’t often refer to myself as autistic, because I don't think it will be taken seriously and that people might think I'm joking in a self deprivative way. I do often make light of it, but when I am talking about it in an informative or serious matter I will use the term ASD.

In daily life I see A LOT of neurotypical people react to or use ”autistic” as an insult. I know some people who believe that at this point in time, it is even if the disorder itself isn't, and others who believe it is never an insult, or who even use it as a compliment.

So, what have you experienced the word used as, and what to do believe it to be?

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