Table drama at Starbucks (who was right?)

redvelvet_94 • 25yo grandma 👵🏼

So I was at Starbucks this afternoon at a small table and had decided to leave. As I’m gathering my books in my backpack I notice this woman near the front of the table on her phone. I assumed she was just waiting for me to leave so she could use the table. She politely asks me if I was leaving to which I said yes. Then this older gentleman with his laptop comes up behind her and says that he had his eye on my table first. She was visibly perplexed and said she also saw the table because she was nearby waiting, but he insisted that he had seen it first.

I felt very awkward because while this was happening I was still gathering my things and didn’t know what to say. As soon as I move out of the way he plops his computer down to which she says “Well I guess since you’re a senior you get priority.” (Oof!)

My question here is: who do you think was right? I’m on her side and now wish I would have said something, as she did come up to me first. But maybe he was waiting for that table?
