All of you due August 2019 finding out gender...

Kirstie • Married 03/16/17 Mommy to a boy 10/09/17 expecting number two 08/11/19

Are seriously making me soooo jealous! I’m due August 16th and just switched back to my doctor I had with my son because I didn’t like the way my midwife was doing things and not listening! 🙄🙄 I had bad morning sickness with my son and with this pregnancy currently I had the same issues! She refused to prescribe me the only medicine I knew would calm it and I wound up being admitted to the hospital and starved for an entire day because of her! I was so upset! She then decided because he natural, over the counter method didn’t work...that she would prescribe the medicine! Then I got discharged the next day from hospital Andy insurance wouldn’t fill it unless she contacted them and she waited for an entire month to do so! I got lucky not being sick on a different medicine but it still made me mad! I have my first appointment with my new/old doctor this Friday and I’ll be 15 weeks exactly and I’m hoping they can tell us the gender!!

I just took this picture tonight at 14 weeks 3 days and I feel like I’m so big already lol. Btw, this is baby number two!! My son is 16 months!! I’ll share a picture of my cutie pie as well just because his smile makes my days so much brighter!!

If you’re due in August or September and have already found out what you’re having, comment below!! Also, what do you all think I’m having? First heartbeat was 171bpm at 8w4d and second at 12w3d was 154!! Hope all of you other ladies TTC have a good month and get your bfps!! Baby dust loves!!! ❤️