Trigger Warning - My husband saved my life

Michelle • 1 👧🏼, 1 👼🏼 baby girl 20w

Exactly one month ago, Jan 19th our lives took a very unexpected turn. My husband woke to me having severe fits of not being able to breathe and he called an ambulance. After so many tests they found a huge clot between my heart and lungs called an acute saddle pulmonary embolism.

I got a blood thinner which didn’t work For me and eventually had to get thrombolysis which we were told was needed to save my life. So thankful to all the doctors and nurses in ICU that literally ran and worked tirelessly to save me.

After I left the hospital we found out the devastating news that after all the trauma my body had been through, our baby girl Olivia wasn’t strong enough to make it so was born sleeping at 20 weeks on Feb 1st.

We’re heartbroken but survived the hardest month of our lives