Is it possible to have a naughty baby already?!

Elysia • Baby girl born Feb 2019!! 👶💖 followed by 3 angel babies 👼

So I've posted before about my girl being monitored atm for growth and docs recommended to really paying attention to movements- which I have been and we had one episode of no movements on Sunday 10th, then another Saturday 16th and now again today...

I haven't called up about today yet because when we get to triage shes fine and likes to play the game of 'lets make mummy out to be a liar'

I have the bands at home as they let me take them away and put them on and laid on left side and barely got me some movements- would you guys still call? It deffo isn't a normal moving day for little miss....just worried because they talked about inducing last time and a higher risk of csection

My way of trying to replicate the hospital 😂