No hospital wants to take me on as a patient with my condition and wishes

Kimberley • Wife - Mother - Entrepreneur 🇳🇱🇸🇷🇺🇸

I am currently 37 weeks pregnant. I have been diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidurum since 6 weeks. I’ve had a very rough pregnancy. I also have Von Willebrands Disease and Hemophilia (bleeding disorders). For months we have done all kinds of track record testing and put a great team of specialists together, to make sure we can prepare for this birth as good as possible.

Last week I found out that the anesthesiologists are not comfortable with the risks of my bleeding disorders and therefore they decline to take me.

So today, at 37 weeks, I had my first transfer appointment. I was transferred to a university teaching facility and a hospital that is 75 minutes away from me. I had to let go of all doctors that have seen me and familiarized themselves with my situation of the past 8 months.

I arrive there, not only was it extremely chaotic and stressful to get there, they also told me that they want to schedule induction between 38 and 39 weeks. This is something my initial hematologist wanted to avoid, because of the higher risks of c-section, which we want to avoid for my bleeding disorders.

They say that in the next 1-2 weeks they want me to see all specialists again, but in their facility and move forward with the induction.

Now I called my previous OB and told him, if I am not going to be able to avoid induction anyway, we might as well do it at the hospital where I was denied first and see if we can schedule it on a date where an anesthesiologist works that IS comfortable taking me on as a patient.

Induction was initially my first OB’s suggestion as well, but the hematologist wasn’t on board. I feel like it doesn’t matter which hospital I go to, I will miss out on something. With only 3 more weeks to go (or 1-2 depending on if they will induce me), I am very stressed out and already had false labor twice.

Please let this work out as good as possible!!