Purely a rant- long

Let me start off by saying that I love my dog. I truly do.

After we lost our first pregnancy, my husband and I had a hole in our heart and so much love ready to give. We had already been looking into getting a pet and when the perfect opportunity came to us, we couldn't say no. He's been a stubborn little guy and we often joke about how much he's prepaired us for kids. As a puppy he would scream his head off to be in the room with us. After many different attempts to make him comfortable sleeping away from us, we gave in and let him sleep with us. His separation anxiety is too strong to leave him alone overnight without drugs.

He also loves to be held constantly or as often as we entertain it. We've had potty training issues with him where he does well, then reverts when we try to extend his time a little (which was recommended to us incase we have to be out of the house for extended amounts of time)

Well he's actually done really well lately since moving and being on this new routine. Until today.

I wake up to find he has pooped in the living room on carpet.

I'm livid because since being pregnant I have an ocd like need for things to be clean. Now I feel the obsessive urge to have the carpets deep cleaned- however I can't afford it by any means.

I'm also tired of the fact that my husband and I can't get loud (for fun reasons if ya get what im saying or just playing around) without him getting very upset and barking at us. My husband likes to slap my booty and my dog gets SO upset.

I have concerns that my dog will have jealousy issues or will wake the baby because he's upset with something were doing.

I know it comes down to him being trained poorly and that's not his fault (despite our efforts) I feel like we need professional help with him...that we can't afford right now.

I'm frustrated to say the least.

I still love my fur baby despite all he does and feel so thankful to have him- but at times, with an actual baby here in a few weeks, I wish he would behave better... it's stressing me out.