This isn’t a question but an announcement☺️

Hannah • Mommy • Wife • 21 • Special Education TA • C.J. • Sebastian • Baby S Due July 2020 •

My almost 4 month old was diagnosed with hie at birth for those of you who don’t know hie is a type of brain damage that occurs when an infant's brain doesn't receive enough oxygen and blood. It is a dangerous condition that requires immediate medical intervention. So my son has a high chance of gaining deficits and not meeting milestones. Well I’m a proud ass mommy because my son at only 4 months has now rolled over from back to belly and belly to back! I cried tears of joy! They said he may never be able to reach the milestones he needs to in order to be a normal functioning baby but he is out here proving them wrong and I’m truly beyond blessed. 🥰

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Posted at
Keep proving them wrong. Well done 😁😁🤗🙌🙌🙌


Posted at
Go baby, Go baby, Go!!!! You prove them wrong in every possible way👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Thank you for sharing!!! I will be routing him on🙏👏🏻


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Yess baby prove them W.R.O.N.G


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Our little one was born just over 3 weeks ago also with HIE, they believe he went up to 40 minutes without proper oxygen. He had seizures the first 24 hours and they started cooling therapy at the 20 hour mark of life. He was cooled (6 degrees lower than his body temp) for 4 days, and they were the longest 4 days of my life. Seeing my baby shiver and not being able to warm him was the hardest experience ever. We spent 11 days total in the NICU. His MRI and eeg showed damage done in the deep grey matter of his brain, which may affect his motor function later on in life. BUT he is already lifting his head at 3 weeks old, and has come leaps and bounds from where he was! We are so proud of him, and we will take whatever life throws our way. He is a very happy baby, and we are just so happy to be home as a family of 3!


Posted at
I hope his whole life will be a proof 😊 so exciting!!!!


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My hie baby! 3 months 💙 doing absolutely amazing☺️


Elizabeth • Mar 27, 2020
My baby boy rolled tummy to back two weeks ago 🙃😭😭


Hannah • Mar 13, 2020
If I remember correctly he was moderate, he went 14 minutes without a heart beat, he has multiple seizures after being resuscitated at birth and poor apgar scores ( don’t think I spelled it right ) they put him in a hypothermia treatment for 72 hours along with other complications he had and at his last scan a few days before he left the nicu they saw no brain damage. If you go on my page you can find his full birth story! They didn’t think he would be like this today after what happened to him but he’s proving them all wrong!


Elizabeth • Mar 12, 2020
Mild* or moderate?


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Sooo late here but I am so happy for you!!My daughter was diagnosed with the same thing, so I completely feel for you! I’m so glad your babe is doing good!!


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Amennn life it! Congrats mama!!! Go baby go!!! #testimony


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