Feeding my baby shouldn't be this hard! Help!


My daughter will be 7 weeks this Friday. Last week she started fussing at the breast when feeding and it grew to the point where she will only nurse for 5 min and then just scream. Once she turned purple crying so hard! I stop to burp her constantly and she is spitting up more than she did before. Sometimes it's the entire meal and its projectile.

I've cut out dairy and gluten and have seen no improvement yet. We took her to a chiro and she worked on her diaphragm because it was very tight. She got a little better after that and will now go about 8min (sometimes 10) but I worry she is still not getting enough. Her poops are greenish yellow and she is eating every 3-4 hours. She used to nurse 20 min easily so this seems like not enough time especially when she spits up all of it or a good amount every time. I worry she will start losing weight.

We tried a bottle too and she fusses just the same. Anyone else experience this and what did you do? Its heartbreaking to not be able to just feed my baby!