I’ve reached my breaking point with TTC


I started AF today and now I can’t stop crying. We’ve been trying for over a year and I’ve had one chemical pregnancy which was heart shattering. We have a 2.5 year old and I’m so sad and scared that he will never get to have a sibling to grow up with. I’m young. I’m 25 and my SO is 37. Idk if it’s him or me but we had no problem getting pregnant with our first. It literally happened right away.. this time around has been a struggle and it’s mentally exhausting... I don’t know what to do anymore.

I’m just so tired of BFN and constantly getting my hopes up just to be broken. I don’t know how to stay positive anymore. I feel like I’m useless. I want another child so bad. I’d do anything to see two lines on a test... I just need some reassurance or positive stories please... I can’t stop crying.