Edit: Does this sound like sexual assault?

So me and my ex stayed friends when we broke up in August. I met up with him on Wednesday and we went shopping and to the cinema ect and everything was fine.

He drove me home and in the car started touching my thigh while driving, to which I told him to stop so he just put his hand on my knee.

When we got back to mine he pulled in down a side street and started telling me he still loved me and wanted to work on things ect. Then started touching my thigh again. So I told him I liked the feel of it but he needed to stop because we're not together. He kept trying to kiss me ect and I was pulling away (he locked the car and not having a car myself I didn't know it would open from the inside if I just pulled the handle)

So anyways he kept trying to finger me and I kept saying no and pushing his hand away. He grabbed my hair and pulled my fave towards his like he was going to kiss me so I pulled away again and he tried to finger me again. I kept saying no and he kept saying "just once second, just one finger ect"

He shoved his finger in my ass and I pulled away again. And he kept pulling my hand and putting it on his penis. While trying to finger me and touching my boobs, trying to push him off! But I'm 5ft and weight nothing and he's 6"4 and weighs about 18 stone so I was never going to succeed. He was sucking my nipples and telling me what he'd do to me which obviously turned me on but j didn't want to have sex at all!

And he kept trying! I kept shouting no and he still kept trying to finger me and convince me to have sex with him. I knew that he wasn't going to stop so I gave in and gave him a blowjob. As soon as he came he unlocked the car and said he loves me and were "trying again" with our relationship.

I got out the car and went home and tried not tho think about it at all. He messaged me saying sorry ect and because I'm stupid I believed him! And he said we were working on things ect (which he's said for the past 6 months and we have actually been having sex every month or so in this time. All consensual except from Wednesday night)

Then last night I got a message off some lass saying that he's been telling her they're together since before we broke up in August. I'm absolutely raging and it got me thinking... Did he sexually assault me in Wednesday or did he do it because he thought I wanted to?

I'm so in debate. One part of me wants to go to the police because I'm now terrified of what he can do and I have to work with him and the other part of me says that because we've been having sex since we broke up that he just thought I wanted it, even though I said no.... I don't know what to do

Edit: he managed to get his fingers there because we were in a small car and he is a lot bigger than me so I couldn't push his hands away or push his face away. There is a woman down the street and she saw him grabbing my hair and pulling me towards him. The police did come round all the houses in the street yesterday as she reported it but I said I knew nothing about it because I didn't want to get involved... Does that mean I can't now report it because I'll be going back in my word?