"This generation"

Is "this generation" (who are people even talking about here? Millenials? Gen Z?) really that much worse than the generation before them? Why?

What does this generation do that truly is going to cause problems in the future, and are these problems really any worse than the ones we're already dealing with? Is this generation the one owning multiple 'vacation houses' and letting them sit empty during the less 'desirable' parts of the year, leaving the housing market in the state it's in and contributing to homelessness by refusing to just fucking rent their houses out for a reasonable price?

Was it politicians born in "this generation" that have royally fucked the social security system so senior citizens have to work, clogging up the job market?

Was it "this generation" that polluted the planet? Is it "this generation" that doesn't seem to give a shit and wants to continue the practices that are killing the planet? Or is it "this generation" that's largely buying gas economical vehicles and recycling? Is it not a politician from "this generation" that's proposed a bill that will have USA completely converted to using 100% clean energy, with a modern power grid, by 2035?

Was "this generation" the generation that grew up during a time when minimum wage was actually a livable wage, or is "this generation" trying to live in an economy where minimum wage hasn't changed in like 40 years yet inflation has increased the cost of living by up to 200%?

Is it "this generation" that was able to go to a public college for free? Wait no that ended in the 80s, before "this generation" was born.