Shitting hell 😭


My 8 month old co sleeps inbetween me and my fiance.

His bottom two teeth come through at 6 months but now I'm convinced theres more coming but not sure which ones, his bottom gums seem swollen but I thought the top ones come through next? I don't know.

His poo is too much! Yesterday morning I woke up to him sitting on my face, all I felt is wetness and stunk of poo, his shit was so big and watery it went down his legs and on the bed, what a nice way to wake up 🤦🏼‍♀️

This morning was the same, except from actually sitting on my face, almost happened but I guess I'm traumatised and woke up in panic when I smelt it.

He woke up at 9am for a feed this morning and went back to sleep, so i did change his nappy then and went back to sleep with him, still woke up 2 hours later to poo down his legs again and on the bed again, so I know it wasn't leaking because it was filled, it was a brand new one.

We use pampers air dry nappies in size 3 which fit him perfectly but should I go up a size or change brand?

If anyone else has been through this please help😭