Winter baby

Ashley • 33•Married•NY•First time mommy 💙

Hi ladies. I think I am going a little stir crazy. Its winter here in NY, cold and its the flu season. My son is 3 months, not fully vaccinated yet. I really want to get him out of the house or do some thing/some activity with him at home thats different. Idk what to do. I think im going stir crazy! Have any ideas?

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I understand needing to get out! My biggest suggestion is wherever you go, don’t be polite if someone tries to get up in your baby’s face...that’s the most likely scenario for coming into contact with germs. Trust me: my oldest was hospitalized for a week with MRSA (he’s now 3yo and fine but he was just months old and it was scary as hell). That’s an unusual scenario so I wouldn’t worry about that specifically. You don’t need to be polite, you need to protect your baby from germs as well as your own sanity. That said, you might consider baby wearing: keeps your baby super close to you and hopefully should prevent others from getting in your baby’s face. 😊


Posted at
I also live in New York and have an almost 3 month old (also have 5 and 8 year olds) so at least we are out of the house to bring the other kids to and from school. But I've taken the baby to walk around the mall. Met friends for lunch. Visit my mom and grandma. The high school by me has open track and swim for residents so I have taken my older kids to the track and worn the baby so we can all get some exercise. There isnt a whole lot to do where I'm not worried about germs but at least we get out a little. I just make sure when we are out no one touches the baby and we all wash our hands well when we get home. My older boys wear uniforms to school so when they get home I have them shower and change into other clothes. Fingers crossed we make it though flu season healthy


Posted at
Im from michigan and my 1st was born in December. We took her out the within the first 2 weeks. We had her covered in her carseat. We needed to get things done and get out the house. Winter sucks lol. Definitely get out the house though dont want to get too crazy!


Posted at
I’m in Canada and my baby was born January 1st so we’ve been so isolated. I live literally in the middle of nowhere in a small town, but I found a mommy and me yoga class about 30 mins away and also have a group of other moms with babies that are supposed to get together...but weather has been soooo bad for the last month that every single time it’s yoga or play dates they’re either cancelled due to weather or my older daughter’s school is closed cause roads are bad and this week my daughter was home sick with a cold so I had to miss again 🤦🏻‍♀️ I even had to cancel my first post-baby hair appointment last week cause it started freezing rain and the roads were like a skating rink. can’t wait for spring!!


Posted at
Yeah, I understand your concern, flu is realllly bad right now. The CDC just released a map and most states are red... that being said it's almost over - one more month and flu should start to decline. If #1 you yourself have gotten a flu shot and #2 your baby is still nursing (fed is best but.... they're more likely to nurse than take a bottle when sick, plus the antibodies) then you're a little on the safer side going out during flu season! Do you like baking? Crafts? Make baby rattles out of rice and water bottles? Pinterest? Knitting? Write a poem and paint it on a canvas for his baby room? Sketching? Make inkpad footprints while your LO sleeps? Learn to sew a stuffed animal for your LO? That's what I do all winter 😂


Posted at
Look up baby mommy classes in your area. Where I live they start at about 3 months. We used to go to museums more for me than him. You could take a day trip to a neighboring state so nj pa or ct ? Find something fun happening there. Go out for short walks. Go shopping. Go take him out to lunch or breakfast. Just normal stuff. You got this !


m • Feb 23, 2019
It’s ok for him to be exposed to some! Plus if you breastfeed that really helps his immune system ❤️


Ashley • Feb 23, 2019
Thank you! We are so nervous to take him out because of germs 🤦🏻‍♀️ but I think today is the day that we go out and do SOMETHING!