Trying to get pregnant with pcos

I have pcos I was suppose to ovulate on Feb 4th at least that's what glow came to the conclusion for me too but yesterday 2/22 I check to see if I was ovulation I used two at one time and they came back with a dark bold positive I checked around 8 something pm. Layer that night I used preseed to have intercourse only once we both vin but once he came I felt a strange feeling it was like something shooted through me I even heard it myself so I just want to know if it's possible that you can be aware of the implantation? No bleeding tho. P.s. before I tested to see if I was ovulation I wiped after I used the bathroom to seeing a lot of clear stretchy mucus and a little bit of pink discharge. Please give advice on should I have more sec for the next two days or just relax... I also took vitamin D 1000iu and folic acid 800mg pills before sex!