Could this be symptoms tww before bfp?


have PCOS and was put on Letrozole 7.5mg for 5 days. Ive never responded to the infertility medication but on this dosage i did!!! On the 14th got amazing news that i had a dominant follicle on my right measuring at 16mm and 2 on my right side measuring at 13mm. My doctor told me to use the clearblue opk with the smiley face the next 4 days to target ovulation. On the 15th i got a blank circle which means not fertile then the 16th i got a blinking smiley face which detects theres some LH surge and the 17th i got my solid smiley face saying my LH surge is at its peak. We baby danced as you can see. 4dpo i started getting sharp pains and pressure in my pelvic area then nausea, thats continued till now. Yestersay i had tons of white milky discharge. Today i woke up nauseous, sore throat, and still feel pressure along my sides, under my belly and pelvic.. its not painful but its like i know theres pressure there. Ive also felt tired with no energy. Warm showers make me feel better. So my question is did you get any of these symptoms on you tww and get a BFP?

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