Why is he like this?


I find that my boyfriend isn't really a self-starter and a lot of things that shouldn't be challenging is a struggle for him. We are both in college, and we were supposed to graduate in May, but from the looks of it, I will be the only one graduating. He says he has some missing classes to take and some to redo because he didn't pass them. I try to encourage him, but at the same time, I'm always the one telling him to go talk to this teacher or advisor to see if they can help him graduate on time. He tells me its not as easy as that because he doesn't wanna seem like an idiot as they already make him feel ( idk if that's true) and its possible they might not do anything for him. I tell him why worry about what they say or think, its worth a shot but even that seems too hard for him. I even asked him what would you do if I wasn't there to push you or encourage you he says nothing 😑 I'm also always the one calming him down after he gets so stressed out over things in my opinion are not things to get stressed over. Like the other day he almost had a whole episode because he was late to pick up his parents. Trust me, its nice that he cares and he feels bad for making them wait but you really have to have a whole panic attack over it?? Idk this is obviously my opinion but I just wanted to know if anyone is going through the same thing.