Dopplers. Safe or Not?

Savannah • First time surrogate! 🍀 Boy Mom X2 & Girl Mom!

One of my other pregnant friends recently posted a video with their at-home fetal doppler, and it made me a tad envious. I love checking up on my baby boy, though he kicks so much that I really don't need much reassurance. 😂 I'm 25 weeks and he's been moving and kicking since probably 16 weeks. Just constant movement, though sometimes I worry like any mother.

I began looking up how much a Doppler costs, and found some contradicting information. Some say they're safe as long as not over used, and some say NO, only by professionals. So, anyone have input? Are at-home dopplers safe? Or should I just stick to trying to use the stethoscope I have?

Thank you very much!