Baby boy Maxwell James born on 2/16 (40+3) via unplanned C-section (long story)
It was Valentine’s Day and my mucus plug and bloody show were coming out all day along with very watery discharge. I originally thought that this was just due to my cervical check I had the day before so I didn’t get my hopes up.
After our Valentine’s Day dinner, I started to worry that my water was leaking because my discharge was very watery and coming out in small gushes here and there throughout the day. I am group B strep positive and didn’t want to risk anything so my husband and I went to the hospital. They performed the nitrazine test and it turned out positive but their more sensitive test (ferning) was negative. They checked my cervix and I was still only 2cm dilated and 80-90% effaced (has been like this for the past two weeks). So, they just sent me home around 1am on 2/15.
I went to bed around 2am and I kept waking up feeling like I needed to fart or poop really bad. I am a little lactose intolerant and my dinner had cheese so I just passed it off as some GI discomfort. But, every time I went to the bathroom, nothing happened and I’d go back to bed. I kept waking up over and over so I began to get suspicious and timed the pain. I was having pain lasting 1min every 10min consistently. I had an episode of false labor before so I tried to just ignore it and distract myself by watching some Hulu.
But, the contractions started to get more painful and closer together. Around 7:30am my contractions were 4-5min apart so my husband and I went to the hospital. They checked my cervix again and it was dilated to 6cm! It had dilated 4cm in only 6h! They admitted me.
They would check on me every so often but there was no progress. They broke my water and still no progress! So, they started me on pitocin to get me going, but despite upping the dose multiple times, there was no progress- just more pain! I finally asked for an epidural- it was scary at first, but the person placing it was very good so it wasn’t so bad. I honestly wish I had gotten the epidural sooner because I was in so much pain by the time I got it.
Around 8pm, they noticed I started getting a pretty high fever. They monitored it for the next few hours, but it never went down and they ended up diagnosing me with chorioamnionitis so I got more antibiotics on top of the penicillin for my GBS. Around 11pm there was still no progress in my dilation and because me and my baby were at risk because of the chorioamnionitis, we decided it was best for me to get a C-section.
At 12:05am on 2/16, my beautiful baby boy Max was born weighing 8lbs 8oz and 21” long! I’m 4’8” and there was no way I was going to push that big baby out anyways! When they raised him above the partition so I could see him, I started sobbing because he was finally here! After the long 40 weeks and going over my due date, I finally got to meet my son 😭❤️ We are so in love!
For those of you still waiting for your little one, hang in there! You will forget all about it once you see your child for the first time ❤️

Let's Glow!
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