Jealous, Anger, & Why.


Sooo my SO and I have been TTC for at least 6 months and also never used protection (even when we first started dating). We’ve been together a year and a half. My close cousin who is a year older than me has also been TTC. She has PCOS & Endometriosis. I thought for sure I would be pregnant before her. Well on February 17th the day my AF decide to show up (a day late) she announced she was pregnant. My Fiancé has an amazing job, we are moving to a bigger house in a couple months and are super prepare/ready for this. She and her husband are financially struggling to the point she can’t afford her $8 medications and tomato juice (like $2). They have a cat that pees everywhere in their house. They aren’t clean people. & Now she is constantly posting about being sick and uncomfortable (she’s barely 6 weeks pregnant). I texted them and told them congratulations because I don’t want to be bitter/angry but she keeps wanting to hang out/spend time together and I keep acting like I’m busy. Every time their over to our house they make comments about being parents/ having a baby. Literally the first thing they said when they walked into my house after finding out was “New mommy and daddy in the house”. Also they BOTH know we are TTC. I guess I’m just rambling/venting. I don’t want to be angry. I don’t want to be jealous. I keep asking why them, not us. I keep crying and have almost became depressed. I just want this experience so bad and I don’t feel like they deserve it 😔 Please no hateful comments. I’m not a mean person just wanted to get this off my chest...