Canceled date?


So last week I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to go on a date today. He said yes that he would like to. I asked him like a week in advance because I knew that would let him know that he needed to be up earlier than he normally is. He works evenings and sometimes doesnt get to sleep until midnight so he sleeps all day. That's when he's not gaming all night. So he was gaming all night last night and didnt go to sleep until 7 when I was waking up so I already knew that he was up gaming all night with his buddy and that we weren't going to go on our date. I asked him before he went to sleep if we were still going and he said yes he just needed some sleep. I didnt make a big deal about it because the date I planned wasnt until 130 so I figured I'd wake him up a little before 1 so we could shower and stuff. Well I tried to wake him up and he yelled at me that he wasnt gonna go. He just woke up like 30 mins ago and I'm still upset and it seems like he doesnt have an idea of why I'm upset. Am I overreacting or do I have a right to be upset?