How good are my chances this month?

Brittnee • Mama to two boxer pups, three angel babies, and my perfect rainbow baby boy born 8-4-21🌈💙

*a little TMI in this post*

Ok so yesterday I got my positive opk which was awesome but when we went to BD he said he felt like barely anything came out which was odd. I think he’s getting burned out from doing the deed too much. The issue is the night before instead of bd-ing I blew him until he finished then we only did the deed long enough for me to finish once. The night before was a successful bd night but the last two night were my most fertile and we weren’t successful I suppose you could say. We probably won’t bd tonight because he’s burned out even though today I’m ovulating... with the last two nights being fails and probably not bd-ing anymore until tomorrow night how good are my chances? I used opks to track, I take prenatals, we used preseed, and i even have pineapple to try the “pineapple helps implantation” theory. I’m just scared it isn’t enough for this cycle🙄😔