Distracted baby!


Any tips? My daughter is 6 months old and unless she’s extremely tired or super hungry it’s almost impossible to get her to nurse. Even at home when it’s just my husband and I, if he even BREATHES a different way or if I move she’s done and can’t focus. FORGET about nursing in public. At night and before naps she eats A LOT but she’ll go anywhere from 3-4 hours between feedings during the day and 8+ hours at night. She’s gaining weight and wetting diapers and seems happy. We’re doing solids but it’s not enough to replace any nursing session. Maybe 3-4 bites 2-3 times a day. I’m just worried she’s not getting enough because she’s so busy, plus it’s so frustrating because I’ll know she’s hungry but she won’t nurse. I’ve tried wearing a nursing necklace, covering her face, rocking her. Nothing seems to work, and this is just at home, in public I don’t even try anymore. What are some tips to get through this? I want to make it to a year of breastfeeding but I’m scared her eating like this will ruin my supply.