Don’t know what to do...

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 1/2 years. We have always had a strong connection from the start. These past few weeks he has been working a lot. So much that we hardly talk or see each other anymore (we usually text each other throughout the day everyday and see each other at least once a week). We’re both beat up about it. Me more than him since I’ve been more lonely. And we were texting this morning and he was basically telling me things like I hope we can get through this and “I really want you to be my future” and all that stuff. Basically kind of saying that a break up or taking a break is inevitable and it’s really making me break down and ball every freaking day about this. I’m frustrated and emotional and I have no idea what to do or how we’re even suppose to approach this conversation and how to talk about it. Some help would be great.