Epidural Concerns


I won’t lie, I’m the type of person who hates medication but, when it comes to labor my stance has always been... give me all the drugs. 😂

Hell, before I was more educated on the subject and way before actually being pregnant, my thoughts were more like, “can they just knock me the hell out and do a c-section?” Which, before I get any comments, I’m a sarcastic person... that thought process was more of a joke.

Anyway, I met with my new psychologist today (older man) and he mentioned his dad and brother are both OBs and he’s heard quite a few stories of how women who get epidurals tend to have chronic back pain afterwards.

This worries me because my mom had an epidural with me, felt something in her back pop through the epidural, and has held me personally responsible for her chronic back pain for the last 24 years. It’s been great😒

Basically, I’m just wondering if anyone whose had an epidural has experienced lasting back pain and if it should even be a concern on making my decision to medicate or not.

Thank you!

P.S. please remain respectful in the comments. I know some people have very strong opinions which I will respect, I ask the same in return💕