Verbal abuse... need support

He use to call me names during arguments sometimes, nothing too bad, no swearing at least. I use to think our arguments were healthier than most couples. But then it progressed. And progressed. Before I knew it he was calling me names and swearing at me in front of his mother. And now he verbally abuses me not just during arguments but as soon as he wakes up. During dinner. All. The. Time. Sometimes he doesn’t and everything’s fine then suddenly I am “trash” I am “pathetic” I am a “loser” I am a “stupid bitch.” On and on and on.

At this point I know there is no fixing this relationship. There is no changing him because he already said he would change and he’s not. We already had the long talks. I already put my foot down a million times. There is no love here. My friends and family would be STUNNED if they knew he was saying any of this to me. Everyone loved him. I loved him... I am leaving tomorrow for good. But I am heartbroken. I am disappointed. I need as much support as I can get.