Baby naps (or lack there of)

Dani • Keira’s mama 👶🏻💕👨‍👩‍👧 3 in the family

My daughter has inspired me to create this meme!

As of this week, my baby girl (7 weeks old) has not been enjoying naps in her dock-a-tot or crib. I rock her gently and after she falls asleep I slowly, and quietly, place her down and she will wake up within 30 seconds-3 minutes of being placed down to sleep. She will only stay asleep if I hold her, even if I’m making a lot of noise and moving around! She will stay in bed at night, but her day naps aren’t lasting too long.

She’s lucky she’s so cute! 😂

At least she’s sleeping well at night 👍🏽🤞🏽(knock on wood)

Hoping all you fellow mamas are getting some nap time!