I Dont Feel Connected to My Baby 😞

I feel really bad about this and I don’t think I felt this way since my first child, but it went away after a while.

I have 4 boys. My last son was not planned and happened from s one night stand with a friend. He is a nice guy but he is very immature thus I do not feel anything toward him. He was born 2 months early and then went straight NICU. After I recovered from my csection, I went home but my son stayed in the hospital for a little over a month. They put s tube in his nose and I want able to breast feed. I kept pumping but it was hard. Then 2 of my boys had Flu and I couldn’t see the baby for 2 weeks straight.

He just came home 3 days ago and for some reason I feel nothing. I take good care of him and I talk to him but I don’t feel what I feel for the other boys yet. Also for some reason I am regretting what I named him. Thomas James, and my kids call him tommy. I find myself still trying to get use to it. I don’t know if he looks like a Thomas.

Is it because I don’t have anything to his father ? I will say I still love my ex, my other kids father. But he was not good to me.

Is it because I didn’t plan this ?

Is it because he doesn’t look like me yet?

I feel like a bad mom with these feelings. But I know I am not a bad mother but i feel bad about my feelings and not fair to Thomas.