Advice please girls

Laura • 🌈👦👼👶

My last period was Jan 6 -11

I am usually irregular, so I didn’t test till today and got a positive on the digital one. I also been cramping, nausea, headaches, heartburn, breast swelling and pain.. but nothing unusual for my symptoms. This started 4 weeks ago on and off since

I did spotted on the feb 23rd one drop of brownish red and nothing else after that but a little lightest brown but it’s done..

I had miss missCarry in the passed..

I keep cramping still, is this normal?

I am terrified I just want to chat with somebody who’s been in same. Advice please be kind.

Are the digital test known to show false positive ?

I usually cramp in the morning the most ..

I been having to urine a lot, back pain.. I just don’t feel like my first pregnancy..