Women W/ Children vs. Women W/Out

I try my best not to give advice or my opinion to women with children when they are dealing with things involving their own children. But I will always say my peace when it comes to children in general.

You don't have to be a mom to know what children IN GENERAL think/feel/operate/etc. For your child, yes, and only you can relate to that. But for women like me, who have a degree involving children, worked with children for years, and do not want to or can not get pregnant, do not tell these women there opinions or ideas are not valid because they don't have kids.

It takes a village. That's why we have apps like this to support each other. There are childless teachers, pediatrics, nurses, social workers, etc. Don't try to lower a person's creditation just because they aren't a parent. I don't say my piece to be judgemental, but in hopes it will help someone else. Don't use me not getting pregnant before 24 as a reason to dismiss my opinion.