My induction story (unexpectedly long)


For those who are interested in hearing induction stories. My due date was March 8 and I gave birth 2/28 at 38w6d.

I was induced for suspicion of Cholestasis. I tested negative but my liver enzymes were still high so they didn’t want to risk waiting.

I checked in the hospital the following night and they ran some tests before inserting Cervidil (not sure about spelling) into my cervix to start preparing. It’s a 12-hour process. I barely got any cramps throughout the night.

The following morning the doctor came in and told me my blood tests came back showing my liver functions were normal. But we had already started the process of inducing so he wouldn’t send me home Also, my cervix had made no change. Cervix checks were awful. Instead we would continue inducing but more slowly without Pitocin just yet.

He started me on Cytotec, which we would do every six hours. Within a couple of hours I started to feel contractions and because they were so close together they didn’t want to continue with a second dose until we saw how the contractions would progress. I had dilated to a 1 about four hours after my dose, and an hour later or so I had dilated to a 3.

That’s when they offered me the epidural which surprised me because I was in pain but I could still bear it. With my first pregnancy I labored for 33 hours at home before they admitted me in the hospital at 4 cm and I was about ready to kill myself from the pain at that point. This was not how I was feeling this time but I said yes because I knew I wanted it and didn’t want to miss my window.

In the time it took to order and prepare the epidural and set me up, my contractions sped up like crazy in frequency and strength. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to sit still for the insertion but my sweet nurse was so helpful. I was crying and already desperate for relief.

I was able to relax and I felt so much better. Unfortunately I couldn’t sleep but in about four hours I had dilated to a 9 and the doctor was on his way. By the time he finished prepping I was fully ready. He broke my water, they set me up to push, and after five minutes and three pushes out came my baby girl. There was no need for a second dose of Cytotec and there was no need for Pitocin.

She was surprisingly heavier than we expected and more than a pound heavier than her brother was when he was born, and he was born at exactly 40 weeks.

All in all, I was nervous going in and scared. But I thank God it went well and there were no complications.

Here is my baby Willow. 8lbs 6oz 20in