I need help


So I hooked up with someone last Saturday. A few days before my period. I know it sounds bad but I honestly can’t remember if a condom was used but I’m pretty sure I heard him opening the wrapper. But now my period is late. I don’t have my usual period symptoms. I feel so hungry all the time, Lower back pain and dizzy/nauseous at times. I took an at home salt and urine pregnancy test. And it looked like the positive one cause most of the salt dissolved. Honestly I’m not sure what’s going on. If I am pregnant is it possible to feel these symptoms if it’s only a week in or am I freaking out for nothing?

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Posted at
Diy tests aren't actual pregnancy tests, my love. Go to the market and buy an actual one for 88¢ or however much they're on the shelves for.


Posted at
Take a real test. Though it’s only been a week and is probably too early to test. It’s also too early for all those symptoms.


Posted at
First of all, it’s not “very likely” that you’re pregnant if you had sex a few days before your period was due. Assuming your period is regular, the likelihood of you ovulating a few days before your period is very slim. It’s usually around 14 days before your period that you ovulate.Secondly, definitely need an actual pregnancy test to figure this out. They’re so cheap at Walmart or the dollar store. And just as accurate as the expensive ones. But your period is likely late due to hormonal changes after sex if you haven’t been regularly having sex beforehand. Or a variety of other life changes/stressors.


Posted at
6 days after sex would be too soon to even get a positive. DIY are not reliable, but you would have to wait a little longer before testing


Posted at
Take a REAL test. At home chemistry tests do not work. Very likely you’re pregnant.