He has Negative patterns

I don’t necessarily want to break up with him over all of this. I met my now fiancé years ago. A while ago we decided to date everything was great we really love each other. I’m going to preface with the fact that he is an amazing guy as a whole. He is very affectionate, sex is good, he gives lots of affirming words. But we have some issues....

1. When we met he was super immature. He has definitely made strides in the right direction of being a grown man. Sometimes I feel like he’s caught between being a boy and a man though. Example we are in the throws of being approved and finding our perfect home. He has a lot of credit issues. However we are working on them. However he nickel and dimes himself. Goes out for two dollar beers has a few not a big deal.... but we’re super tight financially right now. A few dollars in savings instead of in his stomach will be more beneficial. In my opinion but maybe I’m just being too hard on him. There is more examples but that one right there is first on my mind.

2. He has this cycle that I am just not ok with. Every couple of months he goes out with a friend, promises he will spend the night (we don’t live together right now) then bails on me. Not even that he just bails on me he stops responding for hours and hours. It’s usually because he doesn’t want to deal with my hurt that he didn’t hang out with me despite promising. Example last night he went out smoked himself stupid and passed out in his truck. Don’t get me wrong this doesn’t happen alll of the time but every so often it does and it really upsets me. Now I know he isn’t cheating as he had my wallet so I found him literally passed out in his car.

3. Lately he’s always too tired to hang out but not too tired to hang out with friends or do other things. I’m struggling with how can we start a family or buy a home together when he already shows signs of not being dependable or putting me first.

After last night I asked him for some space to really think on these things. Could it possibly get better or is this what I would deal with for the rest of my life?

I’m confused I love this man with every part of my heart but I’m wondering if I can be happy if alll of this continues. Suggestions advice please?