So I called my brother to do a quick favor for me and the wrong brother answers the phone and I recognized his voice. These aren’t my brothers names but let’s say they are. I have 2 brothers, Nathan and Eli.

I called Eli and Nathan answered the phone so I’m confused. “Hello who is this.”

Me: confused* “Nathan?”

Nathan: “WHO is this?”

Before I can even get a word out I hear “YEAH WHO THE HELL ARE YOU” from a girl who can’t be anyone else but Eli’s girlfriend and I’m like “THEIR FUCKING SISTER.” And Nathan is like “OH.” And then I hear “sorry Sis I didn’t recognize your number I got a new phone what ya need.” And then I hear her say “SORRY!!” 😂😂

I’m still laughing at this lol. All that just to talk to my brother. 😂😂 gotta talk to two people and get investigated before I can reach him. Lmao