Ultrasound Results


We just had our first ultrasound at 8 weeks 5 day and was told I had cysts on my ovaries. When we asked what that meant, the doctor just said it’s common in pregnancy but didn’t really explain anything else. This is what he wrote on the report I can view online...

“Sonographer comments: Left ovary contains two masses, complex, 2.1cm and anechoic 1.1cm.

The right ovary contains a 1.9cm complex mass.

Physician Interpretation: A viable IUP is seen at 8 weeks and 5 days consistent with her dates by LMP. Cervical length is 4.62 cms. The right ovary is seen and is normal in size and contains a 1.9 cm complex mass. The left ovary is seen and is enlarged in size and contains two masses. There is a 2.1 cm

complex mass and a 1.1 cm anechoic mass.”

Could anyone explain what that means/if I should worry or think about seeing a new doctor?? I tried to google it and still couldn’t find anything..