How long after ttc should I see doctor?


It’s been 6 months and I have been testing and having sex after lh surge. Days leading up and sometimes ovulation day. When should I start to see if there are issues with me or him? I have one child which was conceived immediately after miscarriage . Before that with previous relationships never on any birth control for 7ish years, no pregnancy but never tried. I have had IUD for last 7 years after birth of baby. Been off for 7 months now. He is 45 and I’m 33. I know compared to some 6 months is nothing but I’m getting disheartened every month😥 and it seems everyone around me is getting pregnant without even trying!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺

Also I considered pcos? but think otherwise have chin hair but periods regular. 3/4 days not heavy no cramping.

I think my cervical mucus seems to be “thicker” than what is described during peak fertility. But that just might be me not testing right..