How early?

What’s the earliest y’all got any pregnancy signs? Ex: lightheadedness, head aches, cravings, etc

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The only symptom I had was a missed period, nothing else


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Sore boobs and my nipples were hard no matter how warm/cold it was


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I knew I was pregnant very quick after conception. About a week before my positive, my husband lit a cigarette and I gagged. 4 days before my missed period, I felt light headed and just very sick, and slightly tender breast. Just didn’t feel like myself. I got my positive that same day


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I knew before my missed period. I was at the gym and I just felt so nauseous which isn’t like me. I thought ok maybe I overdid it. I went tanning I burned so bad. I looked like a lobster. I just knew something wasn’t right with me. I told my husband 4 days before my missed period that I’m pregnant. He obviously didn’t believe me and was like no. Took a test the day of my missed period and pregnant.


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I was mostly just very emotional and had super sore boobs. I thought I was just pmsing really bad. lol


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Four days before my period was due I had breast pain which I NEVER have not even with my previous pregnancy, and I also had nausea which isn't typical for my cycle either. I ovulate two days before apps predict though, and have regular 28 day cycles.