Bleeding at 6 weeks

I’m around 6 weeks pregnant. Yesterday I started to have some pink bleeding that turned brown so I went to Hospital. They scanned me and said it looked small but could clearly see the heart beat and they showed us. They booked a scan for a couple of weeks time.

When I got home in the evening it started to become red and today it’s heavy with little brown bits in it. The blood is stringy when I sit on the toilet (sorry tmi). I’m changing my pad every 2-3 hours or so. I have slight cramps like period pains but nothing extremely painful.

I know I’m probably having a miscarriage. But does anyone else have/had anything similar? This feeling is awful :(

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Posted at
No blood but i do have the painful cramps they told me it was subchorionic hemorrhage


Posted at
Are you having a ton of blood? Is it bright red? Clots?


A • Mar 2, 2019
They seemed happy. Said it was measuring small for my gestation but I knew this because I ovulated late that cycle. They congratulated and said baby is live. But the bleeding wasn’t bad then. It got worse over night and today


Rana • Mar 2, 2019
Was the heartbeat strong? Sometimes bleeding in early pregnancy is normal. Not all bleeding means miscarriage. Think positive.


A • Mar 2, 2019
It’s red yeah. With darker bits in