Pregnant with MTHFR defects

Kylie • Crunchy momma 🍃 On my 4th pregnancy🤰🏻 One living rainbow child 🌈 MTHFR homozygous fighter 🙌🏼

Okay ladies I have BOTH mutations of the MTHFR gene (homozygous)

With both defects, I have lost 2 babies.

We haven’t gotten my homocysteine levels back yet.

I JUST found out that I’m pregnant again!

My question,

Besides Lmethylfolate, what can I take/do to help this baby stick?!?

Also, any success stories would be appreciated.

Prayers would also be appreciated :) a lot of you stuck with me through my last miscarriage and I love all of you!

Edit to add/

My ob wants me on injections during pregnancy.