Postpartum OCD

So as scary as it is for me to admit this I think because I’ve repressed memories of child sexual abuse that it has warped into having those images whenever I’m in a intimate situation with my husband. I was wondering if any other moms have had this issue? I struggled really bad around 4 months postpartum and I had a break down and I take anxiety meds for it because my hormones are all sorts of whack and as an ocd person and anxiety and intrusive thoughts person now because of the hormones I circle and try to figure things out and I think that the only reason I would have thoughts/images like this are because of childhood trauma coming out and making me feel/ see what had happed to me as a kid. I was abused physically and mentally as a child but I have no idea if I was sexually abused, my step father used to make me give him massages as a kid and then get an award or gift after for doing it. (Now I’m no expert but that sounds conditiony to me) but I think that maybe something happened and I just blocked it out.