Sobriety/Abstaining from Alcohol

Hey! I’m 18, that’s the legal drinking age in Australia. But due to our drinking culture, most of us (myself included) have been drinking since 13-14 years old.

I’ve had my fair share of experiences with alcohol, and I’ve found that about 6-7/10 times I drink it ends in vomiting, crying, or getting bitchy with someone. Not good at all. I also get carried away with how much I drink, I guess I classify myself as a ‘binge drinker’, and that obviously has a toll on my bank account and my health.

My family has a long long history of alcoholism, so I am really prevalent to that. Not to mention my anxiety and depression gets so bad when I drink. Even just last night, I started thinking a lot about horrible things that have happened to me and just end up letting it all out. Sometimes I have panic attacks when I drink.

After last night, I’m really thinking about becoming sober. Completely. No alcohol at all, or maybe even limiting myself (but I’m not positive I have that self control).

If anyone has any experience with how to start this, or advice on whatever is happening to me, that would be fantastic. I know I’m young to me thinking of this sort of thing but I think it’s the best thing for me.