Nicole • Wife, and mother to a beautiful baby boy 💙💙 3.2.19

Lucas Benjamin Jean was born today 03/02/19 6lbs 11oz via c section. 18 days before his original 3/20 due date. But he’s still a march baby!!!!

We were in labor for 36hrs via induction. Was stuck at 4cm dilation the whole time after my foley balloon came out.

Was admitted Thursday 2/28/19 6pm, water broke Friday 3/1/19, and was broken for 24 hrs. Within an hour baby boy was here.

Had my epidural put in 3/1/19 at 1:45am. Had THE MOST horrible back contractions EVERRRR felt like my back was on fire.

I was ready to quit (like i really could lol) Friday night 10pm.

Im plus size and that stupid “belly band” they use to keep the monitors on ur belly kept rolling up, then the velcro bands to also keep the monitors in place were so tight i started to cry. They wouldn’t adjust them for me at all until the middle of the night one of the nurses decided to put tape (duh thats what i said to my husband prior but everyone looked at me like i was crazy) and loosened the band made it possible to sleep. Lets not also for get the 2 day diet of liquids only 😫😫.

At this point they upped my pitocin to ramp up my contractions which they did. By 12pm Today i KNEW i was going in for a c section when they told me i was STILL 4cm. I braced myself for

the news. Sure enough dr came in and said exactly what i knew.

One hr later baby was here 🥰🥰🥰😍😍 my little italian baby is here lol

Me hubby & baby right after he was “released “

Update: WOW i cant believe 3 months is coming so soon. 😩😭 im going back to work 3days a week & I DO NOT want to leave my handsome boy 😭😭😭😞😖😣 look how time flies