Do you think extra checks are helpful?

I live in the UK where standard practice is blood tests at the booking appointment to check for iron levels etc (no hcg tests) and a dating scan at 12 weeks. It seems like in other countries (particularly the US) there are lots of other blood tests/earlier scans etc. If your high risk here you get the early scans I think but judging by a lot of the posts I wonder whether the extra tests and checks are actually worth it. People seem to have a lot more questions after them about whether everything looks good 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Im in Uk and im 8 and half weeks and havent even got a date for my booking app yet never mond my first scan. Ive had 2 miscarriages in the past 6 months so waiting so long is torture. Think an earlier appointment would be good


Niamh • Mar 3, 2019
No just have to wait on it coming through in the post


Posted at
My other 4 children I was seen at 8 weeks. I had bleeding with 3 of them so waiting that long was awful. This baby is my 6th pregnancy. I had an ectopic last pregnancy so I will be 8 weeks tomorrow and have been seen 3 times plus an er trip. In case it happened again they could catch it before my tube burst again and it threatens my life. Luckily baby is right where it needs to be. But I am also high risk for other issues from my fourth pregnancy. So I will be seen way more then normal for the duration of this pregnancy.


Posted at
Honestly, I’m in the us and my dr has me come in at 8 weeks for bw/ultrasound. I think this is a perfect time. Nothing can be done before that IF something did....nothing could be done after that either but st least there is something to see on the ultrasound. This pregnancy I am ivf so I get seen every week and it’s kinda nerve wracking. Waiting for my bloodwork, making sure it’s normal, making sure the stages are met on time etc.12 weeks does seem like a long time, but I can now appreciate the wait to 8 weeks.


Kinsey • Mar 3, 2019
Depending on the reason someone is being seen yes something can be done. Such as a history of ectopic being seen early can prevent it from turning life threatening.


Posted at
I’m in the UK too - keep changing my ‘ind whether I want a private scan or not. My 12 week scan is on 11th April xx


Posted at
It was reassuring for me. I had 2 miscarriages. After my first one, I got an early ultrasound at 6 weeks. They didn’t see anything in the sac. They wouldn’t tell me it was for sure bad but just said we’d see and do a follow up. But from that appt, I knew it was bad. It was nice to know that early and not get my hopes up.


Posted at
I’m high risk, and 7 weeks today. So I’ve had weekly bloodwork and will have weekly ultrasounds starting tomorrow. I don’t like it. It remind me how risky everything is and I get anxious waiting for results.